
小琅 发表于 2023-9-9 13:30:30


2023年9月4日-5日,由中国城镇供热协会主办,清华大学建筑节能研究中心协办的“IEA DHC第十八届区域供热与供冷国际研讨会”在北京市隆重召开,来自英国、丹麦、德国、瑞典、韩国等国以及国内供热专家学者、行业代表300余人出席现场会议。开幕式和主论坛线上直播同步开通,观看人数近3000人次。


琅卡博:中国精准供热体系创领者|供热行业全领域一站式服务商 LCARBO: The Leader of Targeted Heating System in China|One-stop Service Provider for the Full Field Heating Industry 山东琅卡博能源科技股份有限公司2011年成立于美丽的海滨城市威海,拥有办公楼和厂房近23000平米,下设全资子公司:威海琅卡博智能设备制造有限公司、青岛琅云数联科技有限公司、北京琅元精准供热技术研究院有限公司和山东盛源热力设计研究有限公司。四家全资子公司在山东琅卡博能源科技股份有限公司的统筹布局、精准管理下,构建了供热行业“问题诊断、可研规划、系统设计、技术方案、精工智造、创新研发、产品销售、系统集成、运维托管”的全领域一站式服务商。Established in 2011 in the beautiful coastal city of Weihai, SHANDONG LCARBO ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. has office buildings and factories of nearly 23,000 square meters, and consists of wholly-owned subsidiaries: WEIHAI LCARBO INTELLIGENT EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING CO., LTD., QINGDAO LANGYUN DIGITAL ASSOCIATION TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD., BEIJING LANGYUAN TARGETED HEATING TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE CO., LTD., and SHANDONG SHENGYUAN THERMAL DESIGN CO., LTD. The four wholly-owned subsidiaries have built a one-stop service provider of “problem diagnosis, research and planning, system design, technical solutions, intelligent manufacturing, innovation and research, product sales, system integration, operation and maintenance hosting” in the heating industry under the coordinated layout and precise management of SHANDONG LCARBO ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. 琅卡博是专业从事“精准供热”节能软、硬件产品的研发、生产、销售和服务的高新技术企业、国家“专精特新小巨人”企业、山东省“瞪羚企业”、山东省软件企业、山东省高端品牌培育企业和威海市领军软件企业。2016年新三板挂牌。LCARBO is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the research and development, production, sales and service of energy-saving software and hardware products for "targeted heating", a national specialized and sophisticated “Little Giant” enterprise that produce new and unique products, a "Gazelle Enterprise" in Shandong Province, a software enterprise in Shandong Province, a high-end brand cultivation enterprise in Shandong Province, and a leading software enterprise in Weihai City, which is listed on the New Third Board in 2016. 琅卡博自成立以来,以“为了天下供热无忧”为企业使命,研发精准供热系列节能产品近百项,获得各项知识产权100多项,多项产品和技术经国家权威部门评估达到国际先进水平。企业研发中心获得“山东省‘一企一技术’研发中心”、“山东省研发创新中心”两个省级荣誉称号。2018年和哈尔滨工业大学(威海)共建“精准供热节能研究院”。Since its establishment, LCARBO has taken “All for the heating benefit of people around the world” as the mission of the enterprise, and has developed nearly 100 energy-saving products for targeted heating, obtained more than 100 intellectual property rights, and a number of products and technologies have reached the international advanced level by the assessment of the national authority. The R&D center of the enterprise has been awarded two provincial honorary titles of “Shandong Province ‘one enterprise one technology’ R&D center” and “Shandong Province R&D innovation center”. In 2018, we established “Targeted Heating and Energy Saving Research Institute” with Harbin Institute of Technology (Weihai). 琅卡博以“大道至简 品质至臻”为产品文化,一直在努力、完善、优化精准供热节能体系,不断研发生产契合时代发展的精准供热节能产品。公司产品体系包括:供热软件平台、户用节能产品、楼宇节能产品、机组及自控产品。目前,琅卡博产品已应用于北京、天津、河北、河南、山东、陕西、青海、新疆、吉林、辽宁、甘肃、内蒙古等多地热力公司,赢得客户的赞誉和高度肯定。With the product culture of “It is always the simple that produces the marvelous”, LCARBO has been striving to improve and optimize the targeted heating and energy-saving system, and constantly develops and produces targeted heating and energy-saving products that match the development of the times. The product system of the company includes: heating software platform, household energy-saving products, building energy-saving products, units and automatic control products. At present, LCARBO products have been applied in many heat companies in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Shaanxi, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, etc., and have won the praise and high affirmation from customers. 琅卡博管理及技术团队主要成员,具有多年国企供热行业管理和技术工作经验,有着深厚的供热基因和供热情怀,更懂中国供热。The main members of LCARBO' s management and technical team have many years of experience in management and technical work in the heating industry of state-owned enterprises, with deep heating genes and heating sentiments, and be most familiar with Chinese heating.
1.琅卡博精准供热管网末端节能产品:户用温控节能装置LCARBOTargetedHeatingEnergy-saving Product at the End of the Pipe Network:HouseholdTemperatureControlEnergy-savingDevice◆可将系统水力平衡至末梢;It balances the system hydraulics from start to finish;◆可实施远程室温干预,实现区域热用户间室温均衡;It can implement remote room temperature interventions to equalize room temperatures among district heat users;◆通过用户室温装置监测违规用热;It monitors heat violations through residents' room temperature devices;◆可实现全系统智慧供热集成、系统流量全动态调节,实现按需取热,是最根本的节能措施,可以达到最理想的节能控制效果。It can realize the whole system intelligent heating integration, full dynamic adjustment of system flow, and realize heat on demand, which is the most fundamental energy-saving measure and can achieve the most ideal energy-saving control effect.2.琅卡博精准供热管网楼宇节能产品:智能复合态平衡阀LCARBOTargetedHeatingEnergy-saving Product for Pipe Network Buildings: Intelligent Composite Balancing Valve◆自带流量测控功能,且最佳异型阀球口设计,保证流量调节曲线;It comes with a flow measurement and control function, and the best profile valve ball port design to ensure the flow regulation curve;◆标准接口输出,可外接多种通讯方式,如GPRS/3G/4G,宽带,LORA无限组网等多种通讯方式;It uses standard interface output and can be externally connected to a variety of communication methods, such as GPRS/3G/4G, broadband, LORA unlimited networking and other communication methods;◆即可实现动态平衡功能,又可实现静态平衡功能;It can realize both dynamic and static balancing functions;◆减少楼内循环流量,可获取:流量、热量、水温、压力、压差、室温等数据;It reduces the circulating flow in the building and can capturedata includingflow, heat, water temperature, pressure, differential pressure, room temperature, etc.;◆多种控制逻辑,可对热量、流量、回水温度、压差或室温等参数按要求进行调控。It has a variety of control logic to regulate parameters such as heat, flow rate, return water temperature, differential pressure or room temperature as required.
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